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KS3 Curriculum Overview

At the Rubicon Centre, we believe in developing every aspect of a young person. We have created a curriculum to address academic achievements which includes a core offer of English and Maths, alongside developing social, emotional and mental health skills. We provide lessons specifically targeted towards personal development. These are all in line with our school ethos: Respect, Responsibility and Resilience.


Each pupil will be assigned a form group and a personal form tutor, who will communicate regularly with families/carers. Achievements and rewards will be celebrated with pupils and ‘Star of the week’ will be awarded for those displaying: hard work, resilience, responsible behaviours and respectful attitudes towards adults and peers.


For young people to truly flourish, we believe in providing an education that is based on a child’s starting point, both academically and emotionally, when they enter our provision. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum. Our Key stage 3 programme is based on a curriculum of the core subjects, English and Mathematics, accompanied by a host of practical lessons such as: cooking and art. Our curriculum also offers ASK (Acquired skills & knowledge), nurture and PHSE lessons. Pathways lessons have also been included so that pupils can study ASDAN short courses and receive certification for participation.


We aim to provide our pupils with the skills they need academically, socially and emotionally to thrive in mainstream settings. Pupils will be supported by using ‘Thrive’ where appropriate.
