Personal Development consists of weekly sessions in:
PSHE contributes to the health, achievement, welfare and safety of our students. It underpins future employability through the development of personal and social skills of which commerce and industry demand from the workforce. PSHE not only helps to increase young people’s independence and ultimately enables them to take responsibility for themselves; it also prepares them for their future lives as individuals, parents, employees, citizens and leaders.
Across the school, PSHE covers a wide variety of topics including but not limited to:
Equality, prejudice, discrimination and protected characteristics
Friendships and healthy relationships inside and outside the home
Risk taking behaviours
RSHE (relationships sex and health education)
Drugs, vaping and alcohol
Stress management
Safety, including online
Physical and emotional wellbeing
Personal finance
Body image
Careers and preparation for working life
Students are timetabled weekly PSHE lessons across KS3 and KS4 with whole school themes detailed in the Scheme of Learning. In order to cover the statutory requirements of Relationships Sex and Health Education (RSHE) these are spread throughout the school year to best suit the needs of all of our students and are detailed in the scheme of learning. RSHE topics are carefully planned in line with student needs by their class teacher and are adaptable to meet the individual needs of the cohort and student.
The Sex Education Forum have identified that when students have received RSHE, young people are:
More likely to seek help or speak out;
More likely to practice safe sex and have improved health outcomes
More likely to have consented to first sex, and for first sex to happen at an older age;
More likely to have an understanding of digital safety in regard to relationships and sex;
More knowledgeable and aware of discrimination, gender equity, gender equality and sexual rights;
Less likely to be a victim or perpetrator of sexual violence
Click here for The Rubicon Centre's dedicated Careers Education Page
Each group is timetabled a daily ASK (Acquired Skills and Knowledge) session. ASK is normally delivered by the Key Tutor of each group and is focussed on The Rubicon Centre's core values: Respect, Resilience, Responsibility and encompasses British Values which gives our students the opportunity to leave school with the skills and knowledge required for living in modern Britain.
In addition to complementing the school's PSHE programme, and dedication to SMSC learning, ASK enables staff and students to explore British Values including:
Each week students will also have the opportunity to look at a 'Job of the Week'. Jobs covered are from a spectrum of industries and may include local, national and international careers data (LMI). Students are able to consider a whole host of vocations from Chocolatier to Prime Minister as well as identify routes to success, potential salaries, travel and opportunities for self employment.
Nurture offers opportunities to develop soft skills relating to confidence and resilience building beyond the classroom. Topics and activities include, turn-taking, speaking and listening, problem solving, planning, mindfulness, self-reflection, STEAM activities and visits from our Careers and Enterprise Advisors (allocated via The Careers & Enterprise Company). The Student Voice survey also influences the term to term content, where appropriate, if students feel that they would benefit from exploring a particular area of interest.
The Rubicon Centre is committed to ensuring the welfare and safety of all students. As such, PSHE units included in The Rubicon Centre’s Scheme of Learning (as described by the PSHE Association Programme of Study) enable staff to identify key learning throughout. This supports students in making safer decisions in their personal lives. Students are given the opportunity to cover a range of topics including but not limited to:
Female Genital Mutilation
Arranged marriage
Staying safe online (including the use of social media and mobile technology)
Signposting for support
The Scheme of Learning is a working document and is reviewed termly by teaching staff and the subject lead to ensure it remains effective and current for the cohort at that time. It is subject to change, as appropriate for the group.
On consultation in the academic year 2022/2023 all parents/carers agreed for their children to participate in the school's RSE programme*.
For further information about RSHE please read our school’s RSE policy or contact the office for further clarification.
*Parents and carers who wish to withdraw consent are asked to complete the appropriate form issued during the admission process
This May Help - YouTube - Information for Parents/ carers on Mental health information
The Go-To - Emotional wellbeing and mental health (
The UK's Eating Disorder Charity - Beat (