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Careers Education

The Careers Team

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Anne OatesCareers Contact01609


Careers Education at The Rubicon Centre

At The Rubicon Centre we provide students with a wide range of careers education opportunities.


Our PSHE curriculum has specific career based units of work, with identified learning objectives, outcomes and related activities. Alongside this students have a number of opportunities to experience work related activities both within the school environment and through external visits.


We continue to support students in gaining qualified advice and guidance from their home school and facilitate meetings with Qualified Careers Advisors where appropriate for each student and their home school.


Our careers and personal development is supported in a number of ways throughout the curriculum and is focussed upon in the following timetabled subjects: ASK, PSHE, Careers, Vocational Studies (KS4 only) and Nurture.  Please see the links at the bottom of the page for more details on how students' transferable work skills are developed across our teaching and delivery.

External Providers

We strive to work with appropriate agencies with each year group and enjoy links with

  • YES - Youth Employability Scheme
  • NYBEP - Work Experience Provider
  • The Careers & Enterprise Company and our linked Enterprise Advisors and Coordinators
  • Local FE providers including York College and Selby College
  • A local Independent Careers Advisor


We welcome enquiries or offers of support from any employer, training provider, college or other providers to contact us at the details at the top of the page.  We would particularly like to hear from any individual or organisation who may wish to support our young people in any of the following areas;

  • Work experience
  • Careers support and advice
  • Supporting in-school workshops
  • Tours or visits to workplaces
  • Access to Independent Training Providers

Careers Statutory Guidance: Gatsby Benchmarks

Careers Policy

Our current careers policy can be found under the policies section of our website.


The Gatsby Benchmarks

The DfE released a new statutory guidance document in January 2018, including a number of new requirements for school careers programmes, most of which are to be met by the end of 2020. 


Provider Access Statement

The most immediate requirement is for all schools to have a policy for 'Provider Access'  that sets out the arrangements for managing the access of providers to students at the school for the purposes of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This can be found in the links at the bottom of the page.


Your Careers Entitlement


As a Rubicon student your careers programme is based around the government's Gatsby Benchmarks:

The eight Gatsby benchmarks of Good Career GuidanceCareers at The Rubicon Centre will provide the following opportunities to meet this benchmark:
1. A stable careers programme

Your whole-school careers programme which:

  • Is written down
  • Is approved by the board of governors
  • Has the backing of senior leadership
  • Has resources allocated to it sufficient to meet the needs of a high-quality career advice and guidance programme for all of our students
  • Has systematic monitoring in place to ensure that the careers programme is meeting the needs of our students
  • Has both strategic and operational elements
  • Is on the school's website with information aimed specifically at:
  • Students
  • Teachers
  • Employers
  • Parents/Carers
2. Learning from career and labour market information
  • All year groups- access to software e.g. KUDOS, careers area of the library
  • Year 11- every student is offered a 1:1 Careers interview with an independent careers adviser
3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
  • Provides additional careers guidance to vulnerable students and special educational needs and disability (SEND) students
  • Destination Data is collected to be monitored by Careers Lead
  • KS3: Careers, PSHCE, ASK and Nurture
  • KS4: Careers, PSHCE, ASK, Vocational Studies and Nurture
  • Y11 students have the opportunity to fill in application forms with help where needed to apply for a college course
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
  • Links to careers within subject lessons
5. Encounters with employers and employees
  • Drop down days
  • Enterprise Adviser visits
  • Work Experience
  • External provider sessions
6. Experiences of workplaces
  • Work Experience
  • Vocational Studies
7. Encounters with further and higher education
  • Termly visits to FE providers or training providers as necessary for those on roll
  • Support in applying for and attending Taster Days at local providers
  • Information shared on open evening and open days held out of the normal school day
8. Personal guidance
  • Year 11 individual careers interviews with an independent advisor from their home school facilitated 
Measuring/assessing Impact
  • Feedback from students, parents/carers/guardians, teachers and employers as part of the evaluation process
  • Feedback sheets after an event
  • Examine data to check whether there has been a change in progression routes over time
  • Reviewing the progression data for students leaving school
  • Survey students to determine how they rate the careers interview which they have had
  • NEET figures
  • Students maintaining destination figures
  • Analysis of student destinations compared against end of KS4 outcomes



Careers Statutory Guidance: The Baker Clause

The Baker Clause stipulates that schools must allow colleges and training providers access to every student in years 8- 13 to discuss technical career path routes that are available to them. 


The Baker Clause ensures that we

  • Act impartially and not show bias towards any route, be that academic or technical
  • Promote the full range of technical options including T-Levels and Apprenticeships
  • Open our doors to all education and training providers to talk to any student who may benefit
  • Help students become aware of different qualification types as well as their associates benefits
  • Continue to improve or maintain 100% achievement against the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks
  • Make sure our governing bodies and senior leadership review policies and procedures relating to careers education


Are you a Training Provider or Employer?

We want to hear from you!


Please use the contact details at the top of the page to start discussing how we can work together to support the needs of young people at The Rubicon Centre.

Are you a parent or carer and want to know more?

Your child will meet twice a day with their Key Tutor. Their Key Tutor will contact you weekly, which offers the opportunity to share any queries you have.  You will also be invited to half termly reviews where you may also have the opportunity to speak with your child's careers tutor.


You may also contact the Careers Leader using the information at the top of this page.


Information about post-16 study can be found in the links at the bottom of this page and includes details on the National Careers Service.  A website dedicated careers information.
