PSHE Education
As part of your placement at The Rubicon Centre, you will be timetabled a weekly PSHE and Careers Lesson. In these lessons you will study a range of topics including but not limited to...
- Family relationships
- The family unit
- Roles and responsibilities
- Marriage and the legal status of relationships
- Respectful and fair relationships and friendships
- The make-up of respectful relationships
- Reconciling and ending relationships
- Bullying
- Harassment
- Safety and appropriate behaviours online
- Risks of sharing details online
- What to do if things 'go wrong'
- The impact of viewing inappropriate materials
- Sex Education
- Consent, abuse and exploitation
- Positive characteristics of intimate relationships
- Sexual health
- Reproduction
- Impacts of lifestyle choices
- Signposting for advice and guidance
- The Law
- Human rights
- Discrimination
- Crime and Punishment
- Hate crime
- Gender identity